Death by Modern Medicine

Seeking safe solutions, by Dr Carolyn Dean

Death by Modern Medicine
Seeking safe solutions, by @DrCarolynDean

Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book outlines the statistics and issues within several categories of prescription drugs that have caused deaths despite being properly prescribed and used.
Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions, goes beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs to how the medical monopoly that created the system in the first place is allowed to control health care. There are chapters on propaganda, health care bureaucracy, the business of cancer, media and our own personal addictions to sugar and drugs, and the denial we all harbor to help us cope with the overwhelming burden, are woven into this 380 page volume.

Dr Carolyn Dean website and twitter – book reviews on Amazon

Read Prescription drug abuse may now be the top cause of accidental death in America, NaturalNews, 18 Dec 2013

More about Prescriptions Drugs – the FDA – the Pharmaceutical Industry

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