Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones

Complete handbook by Barbara Seaman, published in 1981, about birth control, DES, menopause, remedies and more…

Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones book cover image
Complete handbook published in 1981 about birth control, DES, menopause, remedies and more…

Barbara Seaman, author of The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women, previously wrote a book entitled The Doctor’s Case Against the Pill, which was almost single-handedly responsible for calling the attention of Senator Nelson and his committee on drugs, as well as that of the public, to the dangers of hormone contraceptives for women, as well as to the indifference and perhaps denial of the medical profession generally. Now, in the Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones book coauthored by her husband, a psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist, the subject is extended to a comprehensive examination of the entire contraceptive field.

Written with a biting and sardonic humor at times, it is a remarkable piece of investigative reporting, comprehensive enough to serve as a reliable reference work. It considers alternatives to hormonal contraception, including the diaphragm, cervical cap, intrauterine device, foam, current rhythm methods, sterilization, abortion, the condom, vasectomy, and a pill for men. It considers menopause and the use of hormones in relation to it.

Sources JAMA 1978;239(20):2179. doi:10.1001/jama.1978.03280470091039

The first chapters of this book are about DES history.

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The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women

Barbara Seaman book – tracks the well-intentioned discovery of synthetic estrogen through the unconscionable and misleading promotion of a dangerous drug: DES

Exploding the Estrogen Myth

The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women
Exploding the Estrogen Myth

With the ardent tone of a close friend, Barbara Seaman draws on forty years of journalistic research to expose the “menopause industry” and shows how estrogen therapy often causes more problems—including breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke—than it cures. The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women tracks the well-intentioned discovery of synthetic estrogen through the unconscionable and misleading promotion of a dangerous drug.

Barbara Seaman’s groundbreaking book traces the history of estrogen use from its early purveyors, including a well-meaning British doctor who lost control of the marketing of DES and therefore inadvertently led to the DES baby crisis, to Nazi experimentation with women and estrogen, to the present, and looks at how an experiment of this proportion could have been conducted without oversight, intervention, or real knowledge as to what its effects would be.

Barbara Seaman turns up essential, often shocking, information that should have been part of public awareness but, only now, is coming to light.

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